Sunday, March 18, 2012

Mandala Workshop: Shell Cottage - Carton House - Maynooth - Nov 19th 2011

One of the things I am most grateful for since I began this project with mandalas is the way in which the universe has opened up for me and 'helped' me share this passion with people. A specific example of this is how welcoming and progressive the owners of this wonderful hotel were to this work. I mean not only did they support it and grant permission to hold the work in this wonderful space, but they are really interested and understand it and wish to attend someday.

This place just has to be seen to believed it is just so special and it is so perfect for this work with mandalas. I had a wonderful group of people attend this time and it was so magic to be walking out in the the dark down to a running waterfall to complete the deconstruction ritual at the end of the day.

Wonderful learning's emerged 'for' people 'from' people at this workshop. It is as if there is a higher hand involved in selecting the combination of people to help those very things emerge that people just seem to need most. Beautiful.

Here are some of the mandalas:







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